The Urban Algeafilter
Solaga develops an algaefilter, which reduces air pollution in urban areas in a natural way.
– Multistage algae biofilms clean the air on the street like a green lung
– Sustainable air purificationthat conserves resources, and CO2 absorbsinstead of producing some
– Aufnahme von Stickoxiden, Feinstauben und flüchtigen Chemikalien mit Senkung unterhalb der Grenzwerte
– Low maintenance solution, which resources have to be serviced only every 3-5 months
– Self-sufficient supply with water and energy
Solaga - Green design for better air
Solaga researches sustainable innovations from algae. The Alwe50 algae picture for green walls is air purifier and green design for your office.
Implementation period: 2020-2022
Über uns: Solaga ist eine junge Firma mit Sitz in Marzahn, welche ein revolutionäres lebendes Material für viele Einsatzmöglichkeiten entdeckt und nutzbar gemacht hat: Algae-Biofilms.As sustainable systems, they will facilitate our transition to a bio-economy. If you are interested: Contact Us here.
This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
With our algae picture we offer a completely new concept to animate offices and living spaces. With the innovative microalgae film technology, rooms and especially walls can be used sustainably.